Saturday Spankings – His to Tame: OTK

Sat Spankings

Welcome to the last Saturday Spankings for March! Can you believe this new year is already one quarter over? Wasn’t New Years like just a few weeks ago? Today I have another snippet from His to Tame. This one continues on from the last excerpt. Enjoy!

His to Tame

Blurb: Raised by her grandparents after her mother and father are killed in an automobile accident, Julie Fallon returns to the ranch she was born on. Fed up with city life and a job that requires too much travel, she returns to the ranch where her grandfather is now all alone.
When she arrives, she is stunned to discover her grandfather expects her to marry the owner of the neighboring ranch, Seth Berrett, who has been helping Gramps with running his ranch. In fact, marrying Seth is the only way she’ll inherit the ranch. The ranch she feels is her birthright and should be hers without having to marrying anyone.
Thrown together with Seth in back to back blizzards, Julie loses her grandfather when he succumbs to his illness and learns she has only thirty days to marry Seth or the ranch will be put up for sale.
To add insult to injury, Seth isn’t just your ordinary cowboy. No, he’s the kind of cowboy who’s made it his mission to paddle her bottom whenever he thinks she needs it. Her grandfather’s will states they must be married for at least ten years or the ranch will be sold.
Should she just forget living on the ranch and go back to the job she’s grown to hate or can Julie resign herself to enduring a minimum of ten years of marriage to the spanking cowboy?

His to Tame Final

Continuing on from the last snippet on this – read it here – Julie and Seth have finished eating their late supper and Seth announces he’s going to go check on Julie’s grandfather. She tells him she’ll do it and when he asks if she knows how to tell if Gramps has taken his evening medication, she gets snippy again.

     She rolled her eyes upward once more and said, “I may not know how to tell if he took his medicine, but I’m not an idiot. I can certainly check and see if he looks comfortable and is sleeping peacefully.”
     As she stood up to rinse her bowl, Seth got up, pulled his straight-backed chair out and sat down. Reaching for her arm, he spun her around in a quick movement that put her squarely over his knee and before she could screech about being manhandled, he grabbed the back of her flannel pajama pants and pulled them down to the middle of her thighs.
     “What the…”
     The shock of his palm raining smacks on her panty covered butt left her speechless before she could even finish what she was going to say.

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The Repairman – Saturday Spankings

Sat Spankings

Welcome to Saturday Spankings! It’s been a busy week here and I thought I wouldn’t get this done this week. But here I am and still have 3 hours before the deadline! I hope everyone has had a fabulous week. I’m a little over the 8 line limit so I hope I don’t get into trouble. They’re short sentences, I promise! I will be giving you a snippet of the 3rd short story in my book Spank Her More. Hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to check out everyone else’s posting!

Spank Her More

Blurb:  Cindy just bought a new house but has to keep calling the repairman to help her with her appliances that seem to continually breakdown. Jon informs her she’s in need of a good spanking if she doesn’t start maintaining them properly.

Spank Her More Final


The Repairman: Cindy has to keep calling Jon, the repairman, to come and fix things. After several visits for repairs, Cindy decides to ask the hunky guy to come back for dinner and her special grilled hamburgers. She dresses provocatively for him and he asks if she always dresses like that when she has a man over for dinner.

“Do you find something objectionable about the way I’m dressed?” Cindy asked.

“Frankly, yes. You barely know me. I could be a serial rapist for all you know. I wouldn’t want my sister dressing like that for some guy she’d only met a few times. And if I had a wife, I’d tan her hide if she dressed like that when a repair man came over.”
“Are you a serial rapist?”
“No, of course not. I’m just saying you should be more careful about how you dress in front of men you barely know.”
“Would you really ‘tan your wife’s hide’ if she dressed like this?”


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