Withdrawing Consent – Saturday Spankings

Sat Spankings

Welcome to another Saturday Spankings blog up. Just like last week, I almost blew it again. It’s Friday afternoon and I’m just starting to get my post together. Even after I promised myself I’d set up a few of these in advance. This time of year gets busy for me with the day job. Still, I should be spanked for being disorganized. Nah, forget I said that. Enjoy the snippet and be sure to check out all the other blog posts.

Withdrawing Consent

Blurb:  Christine and Alex Morgan are a young couple in their late twenties. Both are busy professionals and Christine has several outside interests. Her book club has chosen a new title called “Save Your Marriage the Old Fashioned Way.” Christine thinks it’s nothing but a way to take women back to the Stone Age, but she reads it for the book club and discovers the old fashioned way to save your marriage is by utilizing something called Domestic Discipline. Alex finds the book interesting and when the members of Christine’s book club next meet, they all decide to try this plan in their own relationships for a thirty day trial. Things go awry when Alex and Christine put this dynamic to work in their marriage and the question now is; can they get back on track and have a happy relationship?

Withdrawing Consent

I’m cheating a little bit here and making this ten sentences instead of eight. Two of them are very short so I hope I will not be called out for this minor transgression. I believe the rules allow this. I don’t have a lead-in to the scene because it is the very beginning of this book.

“I’m withdrawing consent,” Christine announced as she sat down at the table across from Alex.

“What? You can’t do that!” Alex blustered in his Head of Household voice that he had refined over the past eighteen months. “I won’t allow it!”

Christine looked down at the food on her plate that she didn’t want to eat and wondered if she’d be in trouble after she told him he didn’t have a say about this. Would he think it was disrespectful for her to remind him that she had the right to withdraw consent? Would he accuse her of being bratty? Of not following his leadership? Would he jump up, escort her to the bedroom, and deliver the usual punishment for those infractions?

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