F is for the F-word

Day 6 of the Spanking Blog ChallengeA2Z-Logo-C1

The F-word is one of my favorite words. I know I use it too much. Maybe if I explain how versatile this word is it will come to be seen in a more favorable light.

It’s a magical word that can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate. “F—” can be used as a noun, verb (active or passive), and adverb or even an adjective. There are few words as versatile as “F—.”

It can mean much more than its sexual connotations. You can use it to greet someone… “How the F— are you?” Or to describe fraud… “I got F—ed by the car dealer.” Dismay… “Oh, F— it!” Trouble… “Well, I guess I’m F—ed now.” Confusion… “What the F—…..?” I’m sure you can think of many more.

As an anatomical description you could say, “He’s a F—ing A-hole.” You can use it to tell time – “It’s six F—ing thirty.” Or in business you could say – “How did I end up with this F—ing job?” It can be political as in “F— (enter your most hated politician.) It can even be used in a maternal way as in “Motherf—er.”
When you consider the many uses of this word, how can anyone be offended when you say “F—?” Try using it today to get your point across. Just be careful that it doesn’t get you a spanking!

Disclaimer: This is part of a description of uses of this word that I have had since the 70’s. I have no idea who wrote it, if I did I would give them their credit due.