I can’t believe another week as passed so quickly and it’s time for Saturday Spankings! This will be the last post for Spank Her More for a while. Next week I’m going to start posting tidbits from my Santa Spanks books. I hope you enjoy this little snippet and be sure to check out all the other posts in this week’s blog hop!
Blurb: Linda has been trying to bring Domestic Discipline to her marriage for months. Her husband isn’t interested in spanking his wife. That is, until she falls and injures herself because she won’t listen to his advice. Will he finally give her the spanking she craves to ensure she will take precautions to avoid injury?
Lead in: Linda had a bad fall after coming into the house from the pool in her wet feet. A few days later she’s barefoot again and nearly falls on the tile. Tom grabs her arm and saves her from the fall, but he’s angry now – she never listens to him. Linda takes this opportunity to once again try and bring Domestic Discipline to their marriage.
“Damn it, Linda! What the hell is it going to take to get you to wear shoes and be more careful? What am I going to do with you?”
Tom was angry. Linda’s arm was still sore, she couldn’t lift anything heavier than a few ounces with it and she was running around barefoot again.
Linda looked up at him and bit her lower bit.
“Spank me?”
“Oh for God’s sake! Drop the spanking crap already, will you? I’ve told you before – I am not going to hit my wife. Now go put some shoes on and be more careful.”
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Something tells me she may just push the boundaries a little more until he starts to see things her way. I hope so. Great snippet
She just keeps pushing. Wonder how much of her actions are a deliberate attempt to goad him.
Most of them!
I love men, but they can be so thick at times!
Just at times? Usually all the time!
He’s listening, but not hearing. I hope she doesn’t give up, despite his stubborn streak
Some guys just can’t wrap their heads around it.
Me thinks she needs to crawl onto his lap with her bottom bared and wiggle a bit
That just might do the trick, Mary.
Aw, it was a nice try on her part!
A case of if at first you don’t succeed, try again.
No no no – spank her. SPANK HER. Darn. I hope she manages to convince him that spanking really is the solution to everything, including life, the universe etc. ~grin~
Yeah! I agree!
Almighty God,
in His miraculous magnificence,
G+: discover:
Kold_kadavr_ flatliner